Nurse sitting and speaking with patient

Oncology Nursing

Learn How to Become an Oncology Nurse

Oncology nurses provide care for patients who either have cancer or are at risk of developing it. For cancer patients who are critically and chronically ill, these types of nurses monitor their physical conditions and symptoms, create management strategies and prescribe medication, and administer treatments such as chemotherapy. For patients at risk of developing cancer, they provide counseling services in cancer prevention, screening, and detection. Advanced practice oncology nurses not only serve patients as caregivers, but also as educators, consultants, and researchers.

Preparation Path

Earn your BSN

Pass the NCLEX and become an RN

Work as an RN for at least one year, including 1,000 hours in oncology

Earn your oncology nurse certification through the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation

Become an OCN

Typical Tasks

  • Creating management strategies
  • Provide cancer prevention counseling
  • Maintaining health records

Employment Settings

  • Hospitals
  • Physicians’ offices
  • Outpatient care facilities

Annual Salary Range

$73,500 – $93,500


RN, Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN)

Education Requirements


Ready to start your path to becoming an oncology nurse?