Nurse speaking to room of healthcare professionals

Nurse Educators

Find Out What It Takes to Become a Nurse Educator

Nurse educators are registered nurses who are also educated as teachers. Most work as nurses before dedicating their careers to educating future nurses. Some nurse educators may teach students in BSN or other nursing degree programs, while others achieve certification to teach continuing education and refresher courses.

Preparation Path

Earn a BSN

Pass the NCLEX and become an RN

Gain experience in the specialty areas in which you are interested

Earn a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree

Earn a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing degree (optional)

Pass the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) exam DOCTOR

Typical Tasks

  • Serving as faculty members in nursing schools and teaching hospitals
  • Sharing knowledge and skills to prepare the next generation of nurses for effective practice
  • Developing lesson plans, teaching courses, and evaluating educational programs
  • Helping students identify learning needs

Employment Settings

  • Colleges and universities
  • Hospitals
  • Continuing education programs

Annual Salary Range

$85,783 – $114,572


RN, Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)

Education Requirements

BSN, MSN, or PhD

Ready to start your path to becoming a nurse educator?