Nurse listening to chest of patient in home

Home Health Nursing

Everything You Need to Know about Home Health Nursing

Home health nurses are specially trained to provide care in the patient’s home. These nurses primarily work with the elderly but may also work with others who have developmental or mobility issues.

Preparation Path

Attain a BSN

Pass the NCLEX and become an RN

Seek employment with a home health care agency

If desired, earn certification as a home health nurse

Typical Tasks

  • Initiating a care plan
  • Helping patients develop physical independence
  • Managing the patient’s medication schedule
  • Caring for wounds
  • Educating patients and family members on the patient’s medical condition
  • Providing advice to family caretakers
  • Supervising home health aides

Annual Salary Range

$39,000 –$55,000

Employment Settings

  • Patients’ homes
  • Nursing homes

Education Requirements


Ready to start your path to becoming a home health nurse?