nurses sitting together in classroom

Is Nursing for Me?

Nursing is a high-demand, fast-growing occupation full of reward and opportunity. Yet, as enticing as the profession sounds, it’s not for everyone. If you’re thinking about changing your career to nursing, you need to make sure you’re making the switch for the right reason. It starts by asking the question: Is nursing for me? Luckily, we have the tools and resources to help you decide.

Like every career, nursing has its advantages and disadvantages. But none of that matters if you don’t have a sincere passion for helping others. And not only that, you need to have the right skills and personality traits to do the job effectively.

A keen understanding of math and science is critical in nursing as are critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You also need the emotional strength to handle the harsh realities of human suffering.

Advantages of Nursing

A lot of personal and financial reward comes with being a nurse. Whether it’s caring for patients or comforting family members, nurses change lives every day. Nurses also have access to diverse career opportunities, high earning potential, and job security. Although, you’ll probably never hear a nurse say they went into the profession for the money and stability.

Disadvantages of Nursing

Nurses come in contact with germs and bodily fluids daily, and no matter what precautions they take, there’s still a risk of exposure. With nurses having to lift patients and stand on their feet for long hours, the profession also puts a physical strain on the body.

So is being a nurse worth it? Yes—but only if you’re willing to choose selflessness over self-preservation. Complete our online form to have an admissions representative contact you about changing careers to nursing.

*Our services are free, and you’re never under any obligation.

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